Home / Commercial Security Camera Registry Program
The Greene County Sheriff's Office is currently implementing new in-car cameras and body worn cameras for our deputies. As part of this new system, we have a built in civilian security camera registry that allows our residents to volunteer to participate in assisting our department should a crime occur in the vicinity of their residences or businesses.
This registry does NOT give the sheriff's office access to your home or business camera systems. This registry is merely to provide our criminal investigators with location and contact information for camera systems in the county in which the owner would be willing to allow us to review during an investigation.
Solving crimes in a timely manner requires law enforcement and you, our citizens, to work hand in hand in order to solve crimes and bring the offenders to justice. By sharing resources, this allows us to potentially solve many more cases in a much faster timeframe. Again, this program is completely voluntary and no access to your system is granted by signing up. If you would like to be a part of this program, please click on the link provided and fill out the necessary information.
-Sheriff Brad Snyder